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BOLD Woman of February 2017: Kristolyn Lloyd

We are BOLD! An organization that exists to build up black women in the performing arts for the restoration of culture. We believe black women have and will change the world, and want to spotlight women who are doing just that!

Every month we will introduce you to a BOLD woman in our movement. We ask seven specific questions, which highlight the very different and unique journeys each one of us has; and as an extra bonus we get to hear what has inspired them to shape culture through the performing arts.

This month we got to chat with the incredibly talented actress Krisotlyn Lloyd about what makes her feel BOLD!

In which part(s) of ‘the biz’ are you involved?


Where are you from?

I am from Houston (Spring), TX.

When and why did you move to NYC?

I moved to New York three years ago after living in L.A for 6 years because I booked the off-Broadway musical Heathers!

What is your favorite part about the work you do?

Definitely the people I get to meet! Art Breeds some pretty fantastic creative spirits!

What is a challenge you face or a challenge you have overcome in your career? There was a lot of skepticism about whether or not I had what it took while I was in college. From some Professors and from myself. Having to listen to the right voices and push through was very difficult at such a young and impressionable age. Luckily I had enough supportive voices in my life encouraging me on.

What project have you worked on that you are really proud of? I've always loved writing! I do it as a hobby and have written a few things. One being a pilot. My dream would be to have my own show. One that I produce, write, direct (occasionally), and star in!

When have you felt BOLD? I think being BOLD is about the courage and wisdom you display in the midst of fear and uncertainty. Circumstances won't always give you the open door you want but they always allow you to be led to the one you need.

Thank you for sharing your life and what it means to be BOLD. We are excited to follow all that you do Kristolyn. Check out the website soon for a video interview with the BOLD woman.

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