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Q&A on Black Hair with Brielle


Missed our At the Table: A Celebration of Black Hair gathering? No worries, our amazing stylist Brielle has answered some of the common questions when taking care of black hair! Check out the interview below!

Hair has a wide spectrum of textures, ranging from curliest (dry) to the straightest (greasy). Generally the kinkier the texture the drier it is. In order for natural hair to flourish, it must be regularly watered; quite literally. Humans are made up of 60% water while the Earth's made up of roughly 70% water. Every living thing needs moisture, YOUR CURLY HAIR is no different.

5 steps to successful hair care:

Q. How often should I get my hair trimmed?

A. For healthy maintenance, every 3 months or more if maintaining a style or shape

Q. How often should I wash my hair if I'm natural?

A. ideally shampoo with no-suds aka sulfate free shampoos once per week. I suggest using a shampoo that suds to remove product build up etc. Use only once a month if needed. Condition hair thoroughly from roots to ends. Your conditioner should ooze when you squeeze your hair. Detangle however you see fit as long as it's accompanied with conditioner for slip.

Q. What is co-washing and when should I do it?

A. co-washing is simply rinsing, conditioning and detangling the hair in between shampoos. A wash-n-go style starts drying out and begins to look disheveled usually within 3days. The co-wash becomes imperative to prevent the hair from drying out, breaking and matting.

Q. How do I create elongation to my wash-n-go style?

A. First drinch your hair in water. Water is heavy and weighs down the hair. Section by section apply an oozing amount of leave-in conditioners/ oils while raking the hair down and smooth. Once the hair is fully saturated and weighed down with water and product you have 3 options. Air dry, diffuse, or hooded drier.

Q. How do I "Protective style"?

A. protective styles are ONLY protective if the hair has been properly moisturized before it's tucked away:

•clean scalp and hair

•condition and detangle

•blowout hair with oils and leavin conditioners (lasts roughly a wk at this stage)

•style as desired (braids, twists, twistouts, weave, wigs etc.)

Simply blown out into a moisturized poof, this style will last roughly a week depending on the elements. ALL "protective styles" are NO longer protective if left in a style too long (2 months or longer). A clean scalp/hair/body and mind is necessary for growth.

Thank you BOLD Women for listening and sharing with me last night! I was so excited to meet you all and I am even more excited to grow with you on your Hair Journey's!

Get in touch with Brielle here:

Brielle Johnson


(612) 644-6006


Cutler Salon Soho

465 West Broadway New York

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